Friday, August 09, 2002

Hollywood's Responsibility for Smoking Deaths
In "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell, the author talks about why anti-smoking campaign have done little to dent teen smoking. Piles of money have been spent trying to convince us that smoking isn't cool, but that's not the problem, he says, "Smoking was never cool. SMOKERS are cool...In this epidemic, as in all others, a very small group - a select few - are responsible for driving the epidemic forward."
In this NY Times article Basic Instinct author Joe Eszterhas (recently diagnosed with throat cancer) speaks about his guilt and responsibility for writting such glamorous smokers, "I have been an accomplice to the murders of untold numbers of human beings. I am admitting this only because I have made a deal with God. Spare me, I said, and I will try to stop others from committing the same crimes I did."
I admire his honesty and courage. (tangent: The Insider is one of my favorite movies) I don't ever remember a Hollywoodite admitting guilt about a bad movie, much less a role in untold murders. I suppose the image of his missing larynx and "bloody" hands will give me pause before i pen a cool chain smoking anti-hero, but how far do we take this idea? If Eszterhas had been hurt in a car crash would he call for an end to fast and furious driving scenes? If he would have been bed-stricken by a clogged artery would he regret writing scenes of big macs and pizza? I feel his anguish, but I can't help but wondering if someone will try to sue Hollywood because their grandma died from lung cancer. Maybe they have. Maybe they should?

Thursday, August 08, 2002

A Timely Subject -- and a Sore One (
A solid article about the fox-news-inspired uproar over UNC's summer reading list for incoming freshmen. the book in question, "Approaching the Qur'an: The Early Revelations" by Michael A. Sells, has enraged televanglists and right-wing pundits across the country.
I haven't read the book or the Koran, but I have to agree with student body president Jennifer Daum, 21,
"At the very least, it starts a dialogue," Daum said. "My feeling is that if you're not prepared to read ideas that are not your own and that you might disagree with, you do not belong at an institution of higher learning."

a klog apart
a great overview of information architecture and content categories on the web.

BBC NEWS | UK | How Ned Flanders became a role model
includes an explanation of the hot british tribute band "Ned Zepplin" and a ten-week Simpsons study guide for U.S. Sunday Schools. - Sieberg: Opening the door to 'TV-plus' - August 8, 2002

ACLU Press Release: 08-06-02 -- In Surreal Development, Bush Administration Routes TIPS Calls to TV Show "America's Most Wanted"
John Walsh and John Ashcroft team up?...where's Walker, Texas Ranger.

Wednesday, August 07, 2002

The Salt Lake Tribune -- 'U'-Rated Edits in for Fight

i used to be a Karl Malone fan when i was little, and then he pissed me off and I took his poster off my wall. i have a theory that all things from utah must generally be bad. i don't like the "growing -- and lucrative -- trend, especially in Utah, of bowdlerizing videos and DVDs". but admit that the idea of major studio directors getting upset about some grocery store in Provo selling clean versions of their blockbuster movies is just a tad hypocritical, but we are all complicit in the illusions that built the multiplex.

Monday, August 05, 2002

Yahoo! News - Japan Launches ID Network Amid 'Big Brother' Angst

Ideapad by David Wertheimer |
This site is a godsend. I've wasted several days of my life since discovering it. All the best and most original videos that you rarely see, even if you have MTV2.