Wednesday, August 21, 2002

'only connect' from the Aussie thinkspot on line opinion comes a woven but accessible at 2am article from Mark Randell. He starts with a quote from oracle of wisdom - Sun Microsystems 'the network is the computer' and expands the idea to politics, personal relationships, memory, social capital, etc. I believe the same holds true for filmmaking and editing (which i'm doing a mind-numbing amount of right now). the movie is what happens in our minds between the cuts, just like the magic of comic books is what happens between the panels. 'only connect'-E.M. Forster

Tara Grubb For Congress Radio Weblog Weblog for a Libertarian canidate running for Congress in the sixth district of North Carolina. Now, i'm not a Libertarian and i'm not in the sixth district (triad), hell - she's got to be better than Howie Coble, but check out the conversations about real issues which have happened between elected leader wannbe and potential constituents in only a few days. Imagine if all canidates had a weblog. imagine if all reps had a weblog?

Artist Availablility thanks to Daypop for the link. now i can book carson daly to come to my school for $35k, or creed for $250k, or dave brubeck for $20k, get your friends together, pool your book money.

Weird italian sex story from Daypop
rain hail sleet or snow.

Tuesday, August 20, 2002

information wave technologies bans RIAA access to its networks "Due to the nature of this matter and RIAA's previous history, we feel the RIAA will abuse software vulnerabilities in a client's browser after the browser accesses its site, potentially allowing the RIAA to access and/or tamper with your data. Starting at midnight on August 19, 2002, Information Wave customers will no longer be able to reach the RIAA's web site. Information Wave will also actively seek out attempts by the RIAA to thwart this policy and apply additional filters to protect our customers' data." take that evil multiplex. it's a beautiful thing when power grabs backfire.

Monday, August 19, 2002

Hit Man (Part 1) very interesting piece from fast company about the head of HBO, Chris Albrecht. They definately are running some next level shit right now. I guess there are a few pockets of brilliant humans in the multiplex.

Wired 10.09: Born Digital damn this makes me feel old. I'm not feeling some of TIRED, i mean WIRED's analysis, but it's clear these teenagers are going to save us all one day.

Sunday, August 18, 2002

Lulu Tech Circus

The Vocabula Review Bodacious issue this month including pieces on allegory, burning Roget's, and a pun-off. I highly recommend subscribing.