In comparing the current N’sync-divas live era with the last the last slumping sales period of disco backlash and cassette copying, Mark Jenkins hits it right on the moneybag in his article
Hit Charade . What pumped new life blood into the industry then was the outsider fare on MTV by british bands who grasped the music video before their American couterparts. Now MTV is a consolidated franchise like everyone else, and the fans will reach elsewhere for a rope ladder out of TRL land.
Jenkins warns ‘In erecting bulwarks around their domains, the major music businesses have left no entrance for the serendipity that kept the pop industry lively (and profitable) for decades. Yet the barbarians at those padlocked gates are the only people who can save the major labels' dwindling empires.’ Whitman said it like this, ‘ A mansion may be heaven on earth, but you might as well be dead,’ and LBJ said it better still, ‘Better to have a man inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in.’
What I still don’t get is what do the RIAA, the big five labels, and their troubled multi-national corporate parents think is going to happen?
Do they think because they get paid goons in congress to pass some watery legislation, anyone will care? Do they think kids’ll wake up ang go, ‘Look, Kristen the new Mariah Carey record only $19.99 and look Sum 41 unplugged comes with a free screensaver, here’s my mastercard.
Do they think the cutthroat computer industry or the target marts will even loose sleep while they put Luke Heller’s favorite dowloaded mp3’s right on the shelves next to the Prayer of Jabez?
Do they think that boomers will lobby their reps for stricter enforcement of copyright laws while they watch TOMMY become the blarring soundtrack for Celebrinex commercials?